Welcome to Roots IVY International Flagship Campus

Methodology &
The school environment can help or hinder the realization of goals for young children. Keeping this in view the school provides the best possible environment that will contribute to the development of child both physically and mentally. Provision is made for continuous growth in social and emotional development through a balanced programme that will meet the needs of the child. The emphasis in the school is for inculcating a 'spirit of inquiry' at a very young age. Teaching is done through 'Play-Way' methods, stimulating materials, creativity, making use of the latest electronic and mechanized audio-visual systems. Experimentation is done in the relevant matters to make the child actually understand and appreciate what otherwise may appear to be meaningless or incomprehensible. A systematic and regular method of evaluation of the student's progress in all fields of the educational activities has been adopted and a consolidated record of the student is maintained.
The medium of instruction is English with due emphasis to URDU and ISLAMIAT. Roots lays great importance on religious, cultural and national traditions. During the course of each school day, children will be engaged in a variety of activities, covering different aspects of the curriculum. On the next few pages is a summary of the main aspects of the curriculum.
There are four main areas of language - talking, listening, reading and writing.
Talking is the main method of communication for both children and adults and is vital to a child's ability to think and learn. Development of spoken language is the basis from which come early reading and writing experiences.
Listening is a skill that is as important to children as talking. We try to create a considerate listening environment by providing ample opportunities for children to listen to both adults and children by story telling using stick figures and puppetry. Children are motivated by creative and colorful presentation by the Language and Art teachers. Electronic listening post is used as an effective listening aid in the development of this skill.
Reading is of great importance in school, the aim being not just to recognize words on a page but also to encourage a love of books so children readily turn to them for information and pleasure. We use a variety of reading schemes and materials, carefully graded to develop a child's reading, and children are quickly encouraged to read "Real Books" as part of the process.We use a variety of techniques to develop this skill and children are awarded Alphabet Certificates on the completion of a series. In the Montessori Section all reading books and materials are provided by the school library. However, in the primary and prep school children are encouraged to bring books of their choice and set up their personal libraries in their homes. The English Language teachers have also introduced class libraries which have yielded very positive results in the development of reading.
Writing of a variety of kinds will take place in school from imagination to real experience, and for projects, science, poetry, languages etc. Each child is encouraged to write down his own thought freely so that his natural flow of ideas is allowed without the rigid need for correction. In the initial stages guided writing is introduced and gradually children move on to independent writing. Children prepare book reviews, project reports, news reports, summaries and acquire techniques of writing all kinds of letters.
All this is done through a systematic approach beginning at the Montessori level and progressing further in the school years. It is important too that children feel their writing is appreciated and shared with other children, in the unit or in displays.
Children will start to follow a handwriting scheme as infants, and will learn "Joined up (Cursive)" writing as soon as they are ready for it; this is built on through the school to lead to a clear legible script.
Spelling is another skill which needs to be learned by children. More attention is paid to correct spelling as a child progresses through the school by encouraging them to learn new spellings with the use of a dictionary.
Mathematics constitutes a vital area of the curriculum and a basic knowledge of Maths and an understanding of the concepts involved, is essential for everyday life. In the early years of school particularly, an emphasis is placed on practical work using a wide variety of Montessori Maths apparatus, while older children do still need to learn multiplication tables and work in the four rules of number as well as learning about and exploring measurement, shape, geometry and graph work. A variety of resource books along with course books are studied in depth by providing ample practice and experiences including opportunities for investigation work and problem solving.
We aim to provide a wide variety of experience for exploration, observation and problem solving work, which often develops from the children's own natural curiosity. Their skills and concepts of science are developed through experiences of observing and recording of a variety of living and non-living material. Students of Senior School are exposed to Laboratory work under the guidance of Science teachers and are encouraged to investigate and record their observations. Group work is encouraged to enable the students to become confident and independent in their own research and conclusions Students display their innovative models in front of the school children and also present their logical views. Independent work is highly appreciated and encouraged so as to make our students curious and innovative.
Social Studies - Project Work
Traditional subjects such as History and Geography are taught through Project Work & group interaction. This work is studied in depth over an extended period of time. There are no clear boundaries between one area of knowledge and another, and we try to use topics to make learning relevant. We aim for a balance of subject areas in those topics, which can be very exciting and highly motivating for children.
Art & Craft
All children use art as a means of exploring and coming to terms with their world. It acts as a vehicle for expressing ideas and solving problems, encourages aesthetic development and poses intellectual demands on children. Children are encouraged to explore a variety of materials and craft skills and the value placed on children's artwork may be seen in the
care with which it is displayed around the school.
From the star', children are encouraged to develop the skills of listening and performing, being introduced to a variety of songs, musical instruments, sound and music. Older children are helped to develop these skills and use music in ways related to other curriculum areas.
Home Economics
Practical Home Economics is introduced in the first year of the Primary School. Children are taught social etiquettes, table laying, serving, flower arrangement, cooking and embroidery by qualified Home Economists. The emphasis is to develop an all rounded personality.
Games & Sports
All Roots Campuses have dedicated sports and games area. Roots has a centralized department of games and sports managed through dedicated qualified and experienced, professionals in the field of cricket, football, netball, hockey, karate and tale tennis.
We also encourage our students to play at school, intercity, district, regional and National level for which the school time table has dedicated sporting hours for our students. Moreover all campuses have a dedicated sports and discipline incharge SDI and every Wednesday of the week has been dedicated as the sports & games day for that the students can stay and play. Table tennis, cemented basketball court and badminton facilities are provided within the premises. Inter school and Inter House matches are held to promote healthy competition.
Judo / Karate
All Roots Campuses till preparatory school have dedicated Karate Instructor. Judo Karate instructor trains the students in this art and regular karate classes are part of the school time table. Training in this field is optional.
The school has taken another pioneering step by introducing puppetry as a teaching aid.
Children will be taught making of puppets and using them in dramatization of any event, play or learning situation. Each child has an opportunity to work out his own group role as mediator & questioner.
Skill in working with democratic procedures is developed through meeting with differences of opinion, making group decisions, etc.
Religious Education
The ultimate aim of the Institution is to produce true Muslims and patriotic Pakistanis. Islamiat is taught as a compulsory subject in all classes. The morning assembly opens with the recitation of Holy Quran followed by English/Urdu translation. Topics pertaining to Islamic values with reference to character / personality development are addressed and discussed with children frequently. All religious days are celebrated at our campuses.
Education Through
Computers & Technology
Roots School System has pioneer to introduced information and communication technology as a compulsory subject from Grade 1 and above. Computer education is inculcated at all levels especially right at the early age in order to develop a quick understanding of computer & communication skills.
At Roots ample opportunities and facilities are provided to activate the mind as well as the body. Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities some of these activities are:
Drama & Art
Dramatics is given immense impetus to bring out the theatrical talents of the students and to create appreciation of art, literature and the stage, The school organises dramas periodically and has won tremendous applause on staging some of the finest plays in twin cities.
Debates & Speech
Elocution and debates are held on regular basis to develop self-confidence and a spirit of competition among the students. Children are encouraged to participate in inter - house and inter - school programmes to cultivate healthy arguing, logical reasoning and self-expression.
Story Telling
Today's world has become so mechanical and complex that young children hardly experience story-telling sessions with their parents and grand parents at home. At roots all efforts are made to keep the art of 'Story Telling' alive by holding story telling competitions using colourful cardboard figures and puppets. Through this art children develop listening as well as speaking skills and at the same time stimulates their imagination.
House System
Inter-House competitions are held on regular basis to promote among children healthy competition and self-discipline in their work, appearance and behaviour. The school has a well-organized House System and all students belong to the two Houses. Prefects are appointed to assume responsibility for the discipline of others and to help build the qualities of leadership. The school makes a deliberate attempt to create sensitivity to the needs of those less fortunate than themselves, in times of national and international crises. The students are encouraged to rise to the occasions to make contributions in cash and kind. Besides, awareness of a clean pollution free environment is constantly stressed by arranging "Earth Day", 'Walk against pollution', and 'Hazards of Pollution' etc., by the School Environmental Society.
Citizenship Traits
Parents are the primary providers of character and citizenship education, but schools fill an essential supportive role. Teachers, staff, administrators and community leaders reinforce the teaching of positive character traits and help students to develop civic responsibility and healthy attitudes.
Character and citizenship education promotes core values through teaching and modelling. It helps students to know and act on such universally accepted traits as honesty, fairness, caring, responsibility and respect. It can help create school environments that are safe, caring and conducive to learning. Outcomes of such an initiative can include a climate of respect for self and others, higher academic achievement, improved interpersonal relationships and a positive school culture. Citizenship Trait is not taught as a separate subject but is integrated into the existing curriculum and into daily experiences and interactions.
Study or Field Trips
True to the concept of-Exposure, Expansion and Exploration, the school arranges field trips throughout the year to places of national and educational interest. Such trips are integrated with their areas of studies so that the learning becomes more meaningful and practical. All these trips are preplanned and children are taken on field trips only with the permission of the parents.