Welcome to Roots IVY International Flagship Campus

All students, parents and guardians must observe the following rules and regulations as outlined in this Policy Note regarding Tuition and Fees.
Tuition and fees, payable in Pak Rupees, for the Academic year is as follows:
1. A one-time Registration and Admission fee (non-refundable) will be paid by all new students in full at the time of admission. Security Fee is payable at the time of admission and is refundable at the time of withdrawal. Annual Resource charge for the academic year will be paid in full prior to admission irrespective of joining date. Student ID card, Annual Yearbook/Roots NEWS, Montessori school bag, school badge, Library Fee, IB Fee, Safety Fee and Prospectus shall be payable at the time of admission.
2. The Annual Resource Charge, School Year Book/Roots NEWS and School Computerized student ID card, IB Fee shall be charged annually.
3. The Tuition & fee will be payable on term/semester basis in advance for all tiers except examination classes.
The Tuition & Fee for examination year classes of ‘O’ levels, IGCSE, AS & A Levels and all external Examination programmes shall be paid on term/semster basis as per the following schedule.
4. For all New Admissions the Term/Semster wise Tuition fee cut-off date is 20th of every calendar month. The Term/Semster wise tuition fee for the current month shall be charged to all new admissions Fee Bills issued before or on 20th of every calendar month.
5. Tuition Fee for the full term/semester is to be paid in full for all existing and graduating students (Lab, ICT, Computer Charges/safety fee are also applicable for the full terms/semesters.
6. Term / Semster Tuition Fee, Admission fee, Security, Annual Resource Charge, Registration Fee, ID Card Charge, Prospectus, Year Book, School Bag, School Badge or ICT/Lab charges, Safety Fee, IB Fee, Library Fee, Adv Income Tax (as per govt. rules and regulation) and all other charges as per the tuition & Fee policy are all subject to review from time to time due to inflationary pressure and are subject to increase without prior notice at any time.
7. Tuition and Fee Bills are normally issued with a “DUE DATE” of 10-15 days. After the expiry of “DUE DATE” the Fee bill can be deposited with the late fee fine which is charged on a daily basis, till the expiry of “VALIDITY DATE” which is normally 20 days from the expiry of the “DUE DATE”. After the expiry of the “VALIDITY DATE” the Fee Bill shall not be accepted at the local branch of the bank. The new Fee Bill will only be issued with an additional fine of Rs. 500/- per Fee Bill plus the late payment charges incurred till that day.
8. Students whose fees remain payable after expiry of “DUE/VALIDITY DATE” are issued periodic reminders and ultimately the ‘Final’ reminder’, thereafter which the student’s name will be struck off the school roll and outstanding dues adjusted against security deposit and a re-admission charge shall be levied.
9. Parents/Guardians defaulting on fee payment, run the risk of making their children/wards liable to being struck off the school roll. The security deposit of students is adjusted against their unpaid Tuition and Fee balance. In such cases, re-admission is subject to vacancy and repayment of both the admission fee and security deposit at the prevailing rates.
10. The security Deposit is refunded in full at the time of the ‘withdrawal’ of the student or request for school leaving Certificate RSLC after completion of studies or otherwise provided that the student has paid all his/her dues and the school has no justifiable claim outstanding.
11. Fee Bills are issued latest by 25th OF EACH MONTH prior to the billing term/semester and sent home through students. It is the responsibility of the parents to inquire from the School’s office if they have not received the Fee Bill by the 5th of the billing month. All dues are paid directly to the Roots IVY International School specified branch of a local bank. The payment ‘due date’ and the fee bill ‘validity date’ is marked on the Fee Bill, and late-fee is collected by the Bank at the time of payment.
NOTE: The late payment charges will not be waived nor reduced in any circumstances.
12. Registration fee, admission Fee, Annual Resource Charge is non-refundable under any circumstances. For students leaving mid-term, balance payment of tuition fee is not refundable. No refunds for any payments will be made if student is suspended on disciplinary grounds or the student is found in breach of the student code of conduct, and parent or guardian will be liable for paying up for any damages caused to the School property as per the student disciplinary procedure and/or as determined by the School management.
13. For returning students, all previous dues including any fines must have been cleared. Non-payment or underpayment of dues may result in suspension of enrolment, refusal to CIE/Edexcel international/Federal/Pindi Board exam registration, refusal to re-register and/or withholding of student records.
14. The Roots IVY International School reserves the right to hold student’s progress reports, transcripts, Examination Entries, school leaving and other certificates if the dues have not been cleared.
15. All parents and guardians responsible for guaranteeing payment of School dues will read and sign an undertaking for compliance with the RIVY policies as outlined in the RIVY ‘Prospectus’ and ‘Admission Form Pack’. The School reserves the right to revise and make alterations to its policies, rules and fees at any point in time WITHOUT further notice.
16. All Fees must be paid in full as cleared funds by the Due date as specified on the Fee Bill. Thereafter, late payment charges shall be levied by the designated Bank as per the Tuition & Fee Policy.
17. In an event of student inter branch or intercity transfer, the security fee shall NOT be transferred to the region responsible, however there is no admission, registration and/or security charge in an event of inter branch or intercity school transfer within Roots IVY International School Nationwide.
18. There will be no concession or fees waiver for the period that a child may have stayed away from school, due to illness, social commitments, visit abroad or for any other reason.
19. If the school is closed due to emergency, war, epidemic, floods, and earthquake or for any other reason on National, Provisional, District or AJK State Government order for any length of time, parent / guardians shall pay the fees with regularity by 10th of each month. The salaries to the teaching staff, Faculty, administrative and support staff etc. have to be paid during the closed period.
20. There is late payment charge to be levied on Fee Bill by the Bank if the Fee is late by the Due Date as specified on the Fee Bill.
Rs. 50/- per day after the expiration of due date till the validity date.
Rs. 500/- for issuance of new fee bill after the expiration of the ‘validity date’ plus the late payment charges.
Lahore Region Only:
Rs. 200/- per day after the expiration of due date till the validity date.
Rs. 1000/- for issuance of new fee bill after the expiration of the ‘validity date’ plus the late payment charges.
On acceptance, the student is issued a Fee Bill. Tuition and fees are payable in Pak Rupees for the full academic year. The following charges are included in the New Admission Fee Bill.
1 Registration Fee (Non refundable)
2 Admission Fee (Non refundable)
3 Security Fee (Refundable)
4 Tuition Fee (Term/Semster Basis)
5 Information Communication Technology ICT Fee/Computer Fee (where applicable) (Term/Semster Basis)
6 Science Laboratory Fee (where applicable) (Term / Semesters Basis)
7 Annual Resource Charge
8 Student ID Card
9 Montessori Bag (where applicable)
10 RIVY Badge
11 Annual Year Book
12 RIVY Prospectus
13 Safety Fee (Term / Semester Basis)
14 Library Fee (Refundable)
15 IB Registration Fee (Yearly)
16 Adv. Income Tax (as per Govt. of Pakistan Rules and Regulation) - If Applicable
NOTE: All admissions on or before 5th May every year shall be liable to pay the ‘Annual Resource Charge’ again in the following September each year. Annual Resource Charge is payable each year at the beginning of the academic year. The charge covers stationery, art & craft activities and material, beyond the class room initiatives, Open Days, Photocopy of syllabi and learning materials, worksheet, student assessment paper, work plans, school examination, instruction material, Montessori apparatus, EPL Activities and In-house activities for the academic year.
All parents/guardians responsible for guaranteeing payment of School Tuition & Fees will read and sign an undertaking for compliance with the RIVY rules and policies as outlined in the RIVY ‘Prospectus’ and ‘Admission Form Pack AFP-001’. The School reserves the right to revise and make alterations to its rules and Policies at any point in time WITHOUT further notice;
Roots IVY International School shall provide a ‘Student Admission slip SAS-001’ or confirm admission to any student if the parent/guardian has submitted and duly signed the following documents included in the ‘Admission Form Pack’ at the time of admission;
‘Admission Form Pack’ is included in the RIVY Prospectus and (Includes Student Admission Form SAF-001, Tuition & Fee Policy TFP-001, Home School Agreement HAS-001, Student Code of Conduct SCC-001, School Uniform Guidelines SUG-001, Admission & Eligibility Policy
AEP-001, Parent/Guardian Undertaking)– duly completed, signed and submitted with the following documents;
1. 4 recent passport size colored photographs of the student
2. Student Form ‘B’ Copy and/or Copy of Original Birth Certificate
3. Copy of both Parents/Guardians CNIC (Pakistani Nationals Only)
4. Copy of last 2 pages of passport of the parents/guardians (Foreign Nationals Only)
5. Previous Original School Leaving Certificate
6. Copies of your child last School Report and Certificates
NOTE: Student shall NOT be allowed to sit in the classroom without submitting the Student Admission Slip ‘SAS-001’ to the Branch Head, School Manager or Duty Teacher on the first day of school/college. (It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to collect the student admission slip SAS-001 from the admissions office of the local branch)
If parents/guardians wish to withdraw their child from the school, ‘Request for School Leaving Certificate RSLC-001’ Form must be filled, signed and submitted to the School Office. Parents need to submit the Request for School Leaving Certificate Form before or on the 5th of every month or else the fee shall be payable for the next month as per the RSLC policy. (Please refer to ‘Request for School Leaving Certificate Form RSLC – 001’ for more details). The RSLC-001 shall be processed by the Head Office which may take a minimum of 7 working days from the date of application, subject to clearance of Tuition and Fees as per the RSLC - 001 policy.
i) If a student has not attended the school for a period of a month, unless arrangements for such an absence have been agreed with the Branch Head in writing by the parent/guardian; and/or
ii) student fees have remained unpaid for two consecutive Term/One Semester;
iii) For students leaving mid-way, balance payment of tuition fee is not refundable.
iv) No refunds for any payments will be made if student is suspended on disciplinary grounds, and parent or guardian will be liable for paying up for any damages caused to the School property as per the student disciplinary procedure and/or as determined by the School management and shall not be required to give any notice before;
v) Student has failed in the same class for two consecutive years or, has failed to qualify for promotion on two different occasions in his/her school academic career.
vi) A student shall be deemed to be enrolled in Roots IVY International School RIVY until he/she has completed his/her normal education, having taken his/her final National and International examination (Matriculation/’O’ levels/IGCSE/’AS’ & ‘A’ Levels, FSC, Matric), and all his/her dues with the School have been finally settled in which case he/she shall only be considered to be withdrawn after the outstanding fees/other dues (if any) payable up to the last month during which he/she appears for his/her last National and International examination paper, are fully settled. This is valid for students wishing to re-take exams or improvement of grades in any National or International Examination system including Cambridge, Federal, local and/or Edexcel Board.
vii) For returning students, all previous dues including any fines must have been cleared. Non-payment or underpayment of dues may result in suspension of enrollment, refusal to CIE/Edexcel/Matric/FSc exam registration, refusal to re-register and/or withholding of student records and progress reports.
viii) If the Student request for school leaving certificate received before summer vacations and after 5th May every academic year then the parent/guardian will have to pay the school tuition and fees in full academic year, as at this time, school cannot admit any student as this is the examination term and seat will have to remain vacant till the end of the year and the school pays summer vacation salaries to the faculty and staff. (Please refer to Request for School Leaving Certificate Form RSLC–001 for more details).
In case (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii) and (viii) above, the outstanding fees shall be adjusted against the security deposit paid to the School, and balance, if any due, shall be recoverable from the parents/guardian of the student.
Roots IVY International School offers inter-city transfer facility. A student is eligible to apply for Request for Inter Branch Transfer Certificate RIBTC-001, provided that:
a) He/she has completed full academic year or, at least one academic term/semester, at the branch from which he/she is seeking transfer from.
b) He/she has cleared all his/her dues in the branch he/she studying and from which he/she is seeking transfer from; and
c) If a student qualifies for IBTC-001 transfer:
i. No admission fee and registration fee will be charged by the branch to which the student has been transferred to:
ii. In an event of student inter branch or inter city transfer, the security fee shall NOT be transferred to the region responsible, however there is no admission and registration charge in an event of inter branch or inter city school transfer within Roots IVY International School Nationwide.
iii. The differential in the security deposit amount in the new branch, to which the student is transferred to, will not be charged. The security deposit will remain the same as was deposited initially at the time of admission.
iv. Even if a student is eligible for an inter-city transfer, he/she shall only qualify for the same, subject to availability of a vacancy in the grade, qualification or tier in the requested branch. The decision of the relevant Regional Office or Regional Headmistress will be final in this regard.
If the student needs to be transferred to a different branch or city within the Roots IVY International School Network nationwide, then the student or parents/guardians must obtain an Inter Branch Transfer Certificate Form IBTC – 001. (Please refer to Request for Inter Branch Transfer Certificate Form IBTC - 001 for more details). It is however the responsibility of the parent/guardian to check the fee structure of the transferring school/branch.
The Inter Branch Transfer Certificate IBTC-001 shall be issued by the Regional Office and NOT the Head Office.
Note: Students are advised not to seek transfer in the final two years of their schooling, i.e classes IX and X (Matriculation), and the last two years of ‘O levels’, ‘IGCSE Levels’ and at any time in ‘AS’ or ‘A’ level studies, as it may hinder their academic performance and results. Also, in the case of Matriculation different Boards have different requirements. As Such, Roots IVY International School does not take any responsibility for the consequences resulting from transfers during the periods mentioned above.
No concession will be given to the students on account of the fact that there siblings (irrespective of the number) already enrolled in any branch or Campus of the school. RIVY does not offer any sibling discounts.
RIVY Tuition & Fees once paid or deposited by the parent/guardian is non-refundable in any circumstances, whatsoever, minus the security deposit as per the RSS tuition and fee policy.
RIVY admission is subject to your acceptance of our terms and conditions as per the ‘Admission Form Pack’ included in the RIVY Prospectus, signed and submitted thereof.
The school reserves all rights of review and increase in the registration, tuition fee and all other fees, changes and deposits ancillary thereto without prior notice or consent of the parents.
The school may shift the premises of any branch of the Roots IVY International School to another location for any reason and the consent of the parents shall not be necessary in this regard, however an advance notice will be given to parents.
Issued by the RIVY Head Office.
Head Office: Roots IVY International School
Wallayat Homes Chaklala Scheme III
Pakistan 46000
Conatct : +92 51 8314770, 5704401-2
Email : info@rootsivyintschools.edu.pk, dfit@rootsivyintschools.edu.pk
Visit : www.rootsivyintschools.edu.pk